Add an asset - vcard .vcf file

I have a customer who wants to put a link on his contact page to download his vcard (.vcf file). Yes there are people who still use those :roll_eyes:

I can’t add it as an asset. Can’t add it as a project attachment. OK, then it’s old school I guess: upload it to the server and link it using “Navigate to URL”.

If there’s another way in Blocs to do it, I would be very grateful for a tip.

Thank you,
The old school coder :older_man:

Just add a QR code are my 2cents :coin: :coin:

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That’s what I suggested to the customer. Nope, gotta be vcf … :man_shrugging:

What about a zip file with a vcf file?

The QR can be the .vcf which is much more convenient than downloading. :thinking: