Adding Interactions

How can i add an interaction to a bric? I don’t know the function and the attribute .:frowning:

What kind of interaction?

I have a Bric for an image hover effect. now I would like add a hyperlink interaction by clicking the image. you can see the effect at this website:


Click on the “Navigate to page” and choose the option to “Navigate to URL”. I always choose to go via a new tab.

sorry for misunderstanding. i’m in the bric builder and i need to know how i can add an interaction there.

I haven’t used the bric builder yet, and don’t have time to experiment just now. I should think you will need to write a javascript function and include the code.

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Access to the interactions haven’t been added to the API yet. It’s coming.

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@Norm ah ok. Thanks. :wink:

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