Adding menu items to a hard locked menu

Hello All,
Loving BlocsApp, amazing what possible!

I’m currently working with a template and I’d like to add some menu items but I can’t figure out how to add an item to my menu.
All the other menu buttons are “hard locked”, I can’t copy paste or duplicate… Any tips from the experts in adding menu items in this scenario?


Hi Jai:

On the left side menu click on the “List” under the Nav Toggle


In the Right hand menu

Click Source “Primary Menu” Then click the “Menu Manager”

Then you should see your menu pop up…

From here you can edit and/or rearrange items.

I hope I got that right…

Rich the Weather Guy


Looks like you are using the Studio template, which uses the fully custom navigation bar. You can contact me directly at, and I will help you with how you can easily edit the menu.


Hey, @jai. These are simply links inside a paragraph. Add your link title inside the paragraph, select it, and wrap it in a link. Now you can do any fancy styling as you wish.

Small Potato Ltd - 000073

More about text links and interaction can be found under the documentation link at the top of the forum page.