Alt Tags Hyphens and Image Names

Is there a tool used to insert hyphens (-) between words automatically?
Much like PS does when exporting “Save for Web” with Optimize checked.

Just curious, how do you SEO web developers deal with image names and alt tags.
Do you take the time to add the necessary info for every image?

Image name "young-blond-girl-speaking-to-a-friend-on-her-iPhone10.jpg

ATL Tag “young blond girl speaking to a friend on her iPhone10

There has got to be an easier way. :slight_smile:

Alt tags and file names are different. You don’t need the hyphens between words for alt tags.

On the other question, yes file names should be relevant and alt tags are a good idea for Seo. As Nike would say, just do it.

That’s the difference between a cheap “web designer” and a properly priced one. The job is done correctly.