Animated Gradient Background

Any way to create an animated background using CSS code? Searching the forum indicates that this item is high on some people’s wish list since at least 2018.

There was a bric at one point called Animated Background, but it is no longer supported and no longer works, either.

Animated CSS Backgrounds is a broad topic. Many different effects you can do. Eg, basic gradients to hue shifting etc

But they basically all use CSS @keyframes (CSS Animation).

Lots of tutorials online. Take a look and find something close to what you want and modify it.

There are lots of sites creating some beautiful animated gradients via CSS. My question is how to use the code that is generated in Blocs? Where would I put it?

Code editor in the Additional CSS input zone, if it’s CSS.

Be careful what you choose as most of them will put your visitor’s CPU in overdrive, heating the device and draining their battery