Animations in the custom class editor

I would like to see a section in the custom class editor for transition and transform, plus CSS animation.


I would like these too (but there are a lot of options). At least an easier coding solution, like using our own editors, so we can make use of the tab key :wink: and take advantage of their features.

Then cmd + s syncs it with Blocs. (I know another app that does this).

Its a “wish list”.


The current options in the side panel are fine for basics but not as efficient or flexible as I would like for more advanced usage.

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+1 used a code editor that syncs with the main app, too. Liked that feature for adding handwritten css.

Can’t agree more. A little bit of :heart: for the ‘Plus’ version would be welcome.


While I can see why this would make sense, I don’t agree that such features should be in the Plus version.
For example, I wrestled with the thought of purchasing Blocs Plus but I don’t need WP capabilities (at least not at this time), but I would like to have the image editing capabilities - since it’s a lot more convenient that spinning up an image editor just to do basic changes. Yet I would be forced to pay full price just for that convenience.

I feel that Blocs Plus is best for features that cater to niche needs, not something that benefit all users. I don’t mind paying for added features but if Blocs goes in that direction, it would (or could) be doing itself and it’s user base an injustice by forcing users to buy a Plus version for which they would only use a small percentage of.

I think these kinds of features should be in a upgrade rather than a Plus version.
But… I do agree that this feature would be awesome to have.

The fact is all updates from 4.0 upto 4.4.1b2 have been for all users. As a Blocs Plus user I (may) expect after 4 major, regular, updates some upgrades in advanced features added to the “Plus” version. Easier coding solutions would perfectly fit into this.
Just my two cents on this beautiful Saturday :desert_island: :palm_tree: :sunny: :sunglasses:


I hear you @Jerry. Since I don’t have Blocs Plus, I assumed the Plus version is a plug-in (like adding brics). But based on your comments, I guess Blocs Plus is a complete Blocs app all to itself, the only difference being the added stuff like WP, etc… And so in that regard, I can understand your stance.

Regardless, I feel this should be separate, so that users can upgrade while retaining the option to pay for niche needs. But those are my thoughts. Otherwise Blocs & Blocs plus would each have to be compiled to include these feature, or fork the future of Blocs to include WP and all future features as an upgrade for all.

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Some will go for the plus version because they want something specific like WP theme development, while others will upgrade for a balance of extras or just wanting the full package, even if they won’t use everything.

I guess there has to be some point of separation and this gives Blocs users some choice. When I posted the original point I didn’t specifically imagine it as a plus user feature, but I think it would most likely be wanted by plus users.

Just as an example, if I look at something like a series of styled buttons and decide I would like them to fade in with a lazy animation after a delay I can currently do that in the side panel, but if there are 10 such buttons I have to repeat the steps 10 times, which is thirty separate selections.

This is slow and opens the door mistakes when the dog is barking or the phone rings. It would be far more efficient if that animation could be added to an existing custom class and applied everywhere in one step.

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Exactly. That’s why I felt that it shouldn’t be part of one version or another. Features like these are universal in the world of web design. I couldn’t imagine a web designer feeling that basic image editing and advance design tools would be of no use to them, unlike features like WP, where not every web designer needs it.

But if it were more of a plug-in(meaning WP), all would retain the option to pay for that specific tool when the need arises. Considering that there are two versions of Blocs, why would features like advanced tools be made available to just one version? If that’s the case I think users would be better served if all features were just one upgrade even if not all features are needed.

That’s besides the point of this thread though. I do think that your idea is a valid one and should be in both versions. :slight_smile: :+1:

In a case like this I suspect a plugin might be too fiddly to add. There will be many users who are perfectly happy to work with animations in the side panel and would continue to do so, even if custom class options existed.

The side panel has always been the area for broad general changes like you see with padding, while custom classes are for more precise control and at the moment we don’t have that precise control in this area.

I think it would turn Blocs into a much more flexible tool and also help with something like Volt if it could add custom classes with animations that could then be applied inside the CMS by the site user offering them much finer control.

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I also try to avoid mixing sidebar and classes. Actually I very seldom use the side bar to set any style. It avoids confusion later on.

I agree and either do one or the other. Sometimes it’s just easier using the side bar, but custom classes have so much more control and when carefully planned far more efficient.