AnyVideo disappears

Has anyone @PeteSharp else noticed after setup your desired settings, including Poster, when you click away from the Bric AnyVideo it appears empty? No poster shows in the Bric.


After Playing with AnyVideo I have questions:

How can I achieve a custom size Poster and center it with the column?
How can I control the color, opacity and shadow Poster?
Is the a way to make the Play button just like the one Youtube uses?

What version of Blocs are you using?

You can right click on the Bric and select to reset the bric should restore it.

Treat it similar to the Image bric, you could either use columns or place it inside a Div and add a custom class to the Div.

Once you select the Any Video Bric, all the settings are on the right hand panel.

Thanks Pete for your reply. I’m using the latest release, not using any Betas.
I’ll do some more testing using some of your suggestions.

Not sure why you tagged Whitfield here?

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Did you have the Drop Zone option ticked when this happened?

I was trying to make the shadow darker, but did not see how. I see no way to do that under Poster FX.

There isn’t an option for that. You can over-ride the CSS, by placing this in the page header and modifying it. If you want to apply across your site, use Project Header.

The .5 is opacity, so you could darken it by increasing this number.

.any-video-shadowfx {
    box-shadow: 0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, .5) !important;

As you can appreciate it’s impossible to incorporate every options someone may want.

@KBConcepts Were you using the Drop Zone option? Its experimental and can cause issues, its at your own risk. That could explain the Bric dying like in your original image.

You must have had a very short play :grin:

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LOL it was suppose to be you… it was a long day

Nice to know it can be done though. I tried to make a custom class and could not get it to work.

By the way, @PeteSharp, I love Any Video. The options you do have make adding video so easy.
I appreciate your patients and understanding.

So another question I had was regarding Any Video using the various responsive captured poster youtube uses. Why does not Any Video pick up and use these? Any Video uses the ID, you would think those poster would be used.

It’s more work for us to bring the posters in from youtube or make our own.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Is this important to use along side of Any Video?

I didn’t see this until this morning. The warning you wisely put at the Drop Zone option scared me, so I didn’t use it.

If you want it to look like an embedded YouTube video then embed a YouTube video.

Any Video introduces the ability and freedom to design something different.

What creative look will you come up with?