Automated slideshow

I have to produce a website with a lot of images for a photographer and he likes the idea of having a fast moving loop of small images on the home page. I was thinking of using Owl which uses jQuery and there is a custom bric available, but from what I was reading on the Github page that hasn’t seen an update in a couple years and deprecated now.

Are there any suggestions for good alternatives that could be implemented fairly easily in Blocs? I’ve looked at the standard carousel bric but that doesn’t really do what I need.

H @Flashman.
I use Juicebox pro for some of my galleries.
It’s a simple cut n paste into a html widget.
I connect this to Flickr, but it’s just as easy from hosted images.
I’m updating my site now and I’ll restyle the galleries to be a bit more modern soon.

I also use a widget for instagram photos from my phone as I work.

I am too looking for something similar — a way to have on a Hero home page (for the Hero image placeholder) 5-10 pictures randomly change. I don’t want to use the carousel bloc for this. I think this would be a good function addition for an upcoming Blocs version.

Hey @Flashman

This is the slider that Owl2 project recommends as a replacement.

GitHub - ganlanyuan/tiny-slider: Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes.

Just as easy to add to blocs as Owl was.

Thanks for the suggestions. Having spoken to the client again it seems he wants a fast moving effect that would be best achieved with video. The question is how to make that work on mobile in Blocs with autoplay. Autoplay video on mobile