Best Time for the YouTube Live Stream?

Hi guys,

I am thinking about doing another Blocs Master live stream on YouTube, and was wondering what time and date will work best. I am thinking next Sunday, August 28th. I think making it work on weekend is easier, but not sure?

As for the time, take a look at the table below. I believe the time slots I have highlighted are the best for the most people, but I am happy to hear the feedback.

Please leave your suggestions below!



Hi Eldar:

Sunday at 10AM NY Time works for me. Not sure if weekends work best, especially during the summer months, but for me, really, anytime is good.

Rich the Weather Guy

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Hi Richard,

Thanks for the feedback!

I guess I will try to collect more suggestions and make a poll for the date and time. Maybe I will do the stream next month (if we don’t get enough interest this time).

Have a great weekend!

Thanks! Noted on the weekend! I will probably change it to a weekend later.

Berlin says: yes we can.
Weekend or weekday doesn’t matter.

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  • Weekend
  • Weekday

0 voters

Week days work for me. :smile:

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I guess it is clear now that week days will work better!
I will plan for a weekday stream sometime in September.


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I’ll try and tune in :raised_hands:


I like the weekend, but I’d try to make it regardless. Hope u have the replay up though just in case :slight_smile: thanks…

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