Bloc edge divider issue

@Norm in the element inspector I can see the class svg-divider which is there by fault.

When adding the class svg-divider to blocs I can set the height and color of all the dividers. Still I have additional divider on every bloc apart from top and bottom

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I too can confirm this issue, with no duplicated blocs. I thought it was only me. It’s preventing me from moving my site over to Blocs 4.

I finished adding them to the first page with no issues at all, then when I went to my second page and started to add them I noticed once I loaded the preview I too had another black divider under the ones I added manually. This happened to every divider on the page.

I fixed it by setting the “Divider” back to none and then setting it to back to wave. After I had done this to the whole page, I went back to my first page only to see it had also happened there. I can’t seem to finish adding them to a page without another page ending up with the black dividers.


Im looking into this issue. Can anyone who has multiple dividers check, does setting the Blocs divider settings on both edges to none correct the issue?

Still on v4.0 and confirm the issue. Only one side reacts.
I also noticed the slider or what you call it doesn‘t show up like it does in the teaser Video.

Setting both dividers to none doesn’t remove the duplicated ones?

Setting both to none resets the duplicated ones on that specific bloc. The moment you add them again it’s fine for that one bloc but another duplicate gets added on every other bloc with dividers active.

I think I’ve found the issue that causes the duplicate dividers.

You may need to turn all dividers off on the page and then add them again unfortunately. But going forward with 4.0.2 the duplicates will no longer be possible.

So turning them off in the new version will fix the problem? This problem happens now too when copying blocs (no matter if cmd+d or cmd+c). In this case a lot of duplicates get created.

The current version of Blocs lets you copy and paste dividers, this is the problem. In 4.0.2 you cant copy the dividers only the Blocs.

Would you be able to send me a copy of your project so I can check it out please?