Blocs 2022 - What would you like to see added next?

Assuming we see Blocs 5 at some stage, I think it will have it all. Rest assured though; I’ll be pushing for an option to play Hang On Sloopy by the MaCoys in the Plus version as Blocs opens. #BlocsRocks

Now were talking! I’ll second that one.

I’d go for 2112 by Rush. Get your moneys worth.

Hi Norm, Blocs is an amazing product and I really enjoy using it, have not looked back from the day I started using it. Furthermore, this community has been great and extremely helpful.

I’d love to see a more comprehensive set of tools that allow the building of custom forms. The ability to add a set of fields if the user needs to input repeatetive information. Also, when the form is sent it should be in a format that is well organised and easy to follow.

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Please add the ability to edit the html5 Element level. I can use Blocs for in-house applications. Works great and is fun. However I need control over things like header nav main article aside section footer etc. for me to take Blocs into the commercial world.

See this list as at times I need access to many of these also. The Element is the basic form of semantic and accessible html.



To have more than one project at a time open like Rapid Weaver.

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Another one to keep @Norm busy. :smile: How about Find & Replace any text, either in the entire website (blocs project) or a page.


One open boggles my brain, never mind two!

Did I mention that Joomla templates created with Blocs would be great? I have. But that would be really great. I try to build static websites where possible, but sometimes a CMS is just the better solution. And Joomla is a very good CMS while WordPress is overrated in my opinion.

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Hi All,
Another minor tweak which some may find useful would be to colour code the blocs in the global areas of pages more clearly. I have frequently found that my Blocs window has edged off screen at the left, losing the narrow colour code strip on the extreme left edge.
I have now taken to colour coding ‘global’ blocs manually using the colour options provided, but would like to see the ‘global’ blocs to be automatically coloured, such as the screenshot I provide here - i.e. the full width of the layer tree column… much clearer!


Good idea :heavy_check_mark:

Would love to see an embedded script of sorts for Amazon Associates, e.g. supply your credentials, just plug in a direct Amazon URI, and have Blocs go grab the associate-unique URI and replace it.

I may get around to writing something in python to do this CLI, but Amazon is a fickle annoying beast, and have done a site before using associate links then had the account canceled (don’t even ask - am not a spammer, but they seem to have nearly random requirements on ‘review’ by random unskilled people, and there’s no way to ‘regain’ an old associate ID - so you need to re-create and update a ton of URLs…).

I would like Blocs to be able to have its Application Support folders in iCloud or DropBox so that we can use the same blocs and brics on 2 different computers (not at the same time) without having to install them in both places.


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This can cross over to iPad too

I should probably update this with my effort recently.

I created a Sites folder on iCloud Drive and moved my Blocs sites and export folders there. I then created a Blocs folder, and an Application Support folder inside it, and moved the Blocs and Blocs4 folders there.

I then created symbolic links for the sites and the App Support folders in the correct places on my local drive. I’ve been sporadically updating my site for the last month or so and have no issues so far.

Again, I don’t access both at the same time and if I update, I need to wait until the upload is complete before opening on the other computer (usually not an issue). I have been updating blocs and brics regularly and have no issues so far. They are only on the iCloud drive.

YMMV, Fred

In theory the symlink solution should work if you take precautions like you mentioned. I have always been wary of trying in case something becomes badly broken over the network, though I use symlinks regularly in other areas. For example, I used to keep my iMovie library on an external drive, however this doesn’t rely on iCloud.

@Flashman - I totally agree. I had copied those folders elsewhere just in case before I began my “adventure”.

SMTP option in forms


An IP anonymiser, so that requests to third party servers can be sent without sharing any user identifying information. This would solve a lot of potential GPDR issues and remove the need for cookie banners in many cases.

Wouldn’t this be server level?