Blocs 4 Template, do they exist?

Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum. I am an owner and user of Blocs4, purchased a few years ago (maybe 2 years).

I am looking for templates to buy, but I can only find templates for version 5 or 6.

Given the cost of the license I do not intend to buy a product every year to ensure templates… blocs4 works great.

I wanted to know if there are any templates for Blocs4 around, I searched on several sites but I can only find for version 5 or 6. Does anyone have any indication?


@Eldar Might have some, but might be a struggle.

I personally would just build and design if no one can help.

Good luck!

Dont forget there are templates included in Blocs 6 now! So consider putting your money into that. So that would be 100% what I would do and future proof yourself with amazing new features.

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Hi @alnitakzeta If you take a look on the Blocs Store you will see that @Eldar @RME (Blocs Premium) and @AnasHyeee have a few, you will need to search back a few pages to find them.

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I would just purchase Blocs 6, by the time you’ve bought a few templates, you could of nearly afforded Blocs 6 and that comes with about 5 or 6 free high class templates and a massive upgrade in features compared to Blocs 4.

edit: it’s actually 10 templates


Hey, I recommend getting Blocs 6 instead of buying any templates, as it comes with a number of great templates included. But, if you decide to stay with Blocs 4, get in touch and I will share Blocs 4 templates with you (I have 50+).


Great advice :muscle:


as others said:
Definitely upgrading to v6 is the best to do

at the price of the templates for v4
u can have templates but also much more: animations etc etc

upgrading from v4 to v5 was great
upgrading from v5 to v6, it was a huge move