Blocs 5.0.2 Beta Build 1

:confetti_ball: :tada: Blocs 5.0.2 Beta Build 1 :tada: :confetti_ball:

We are aiming to get weekly beta builds out with releases every Wednesday/Friday for the next few weeks to get fixes out as quick as possible.

This one has a bunch with many more coming soon.

Don’t forget to hard-reload the page to clear cache :nerd_face:

Download Blocs 5.0.2 - Beta Build 1


:+1: that’s a very welcome addition indeed. Thank you! Now to that general font-display:swap rule … :wink:

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Colour Picker woking for me and no more crashing.

Still just the strange margin behaviour on headings… Can’t clear the margin on Desktop, it comes straight back.

So, to work around I go to the smallest breakpoint and clear the margin. This works, but with some strange behaviour. It makes the text smaller on the canvas. Then, when I set another attribute, the text jumps back to the expected size.


@Norm Have you changed something with this version that affects screen recording permissions? It’s the first time with a beta it has shown as Blocs-5.0 and I’ve not had to update the version in system preferences. I actually tried and it just stuck on 5.0, however the colour picker is working.

Same here. With an H3, bottom margin it keeps jumping back to 4.

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No, I have just added a notification when permission needs granted, which opens the MacOS prefs automatically.

What I have done is exported this version of Blocs with the latest version of Xcode, so it may be something Apple is doing at their end.

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It certainly saves some hassle and no doubt support questions if permissions won’t need to be approved with every beta and release update.

FYI, the app name is 5.0.2 - b2 for me, but blocs says Beta Build 1, new version pushed live and not yet posted about it?

The lightspeed of a Tinchy Robot :grin:

Just a typo, check here:

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This is how spacing utility classes work in Bootstrap, by default the headings have a 4 bottom margin which is set on the smallest breakpoint and inherited upwards using the class (mb-4). Which is obviously the reverse to classes which cascade down :face_with_spiral_eyes:

This means to turn them off on all breakpoints you either head to smaller breakpoint or hold option and click the x and it clears across all breakpoints. To set the margin to 0 on the LG breakpoint select 0.

There is more info here.

The rendering size I’m not sure about I don’t see that here on Monterey.

I hope that helps clear up what is happening here.

is this not enough in the class editor?

CleanShot 2022-12-09 at 16.33.20@2x

It’s not getting rid of the google warning for me. Plus, I’d have to add it to all the elements that use fonts. A general setting that applies globally would be much easier to work with.

Just create a blanket class and add it to the body classes.

That should work.