Blocs 6 is great but some quirks

Great update like always. I do not have crashes anymore :pray:t4:
Still having some font issues.
Still having some breakpoint issues. My styles sometimes are not always saved at the MD breakpoints.

Not sure if any today is experiencing this roll over problem. Sorry did not figure out how to share a video here. Ok video does not work. sorry bout that.

Blocs v6.0.2 / macOS Big Sur Version 11.7.10

Nice weekend to everyone.

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Good to hear you are not experiencing crashes. The last release patched up some old project stuff from Blocs 3.

Regarding your MD breakpoint changes not sticking and font issues, any chance you could share more details please?

I would really like that you could see my video? I have it on dropbox.?
When I changed MD settings image size, flex etc that would just revert back and not be saved.
Also after playing around I found out that my MD settings where only affecting the SM settings.
Do not know. Also here as shown my SVG images are reversed here in my library - not complaining but some small quirks. Nice update!!

Here is an example that I am starting to get slashes \Raleway-Medium\ on my fonts.
Also the side has already started to show px instead of EM.

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Which version of MacOS are you currently using?

Seen in first post, the minimum macOS stated for Blocs 6.

Ha, you can tell it’s been a long week! MacSO.


you can say that again :laughing:

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More coffee and onward, nap in the new year.



Hi norm.
Blocs v6.0.2 / macOS Big Sur Version 11.7.10

Wishing you a great Saturday.

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