Blocs documentations and tutorials

Glancing at the forums, I can’t help but notice around 90% of recent threads are posted under the “I Need Help” category. No doubt there are many new users, but it does suggest there isn’t enough documentation at present and perhaps more usefully video tutorials.

One suggestion I would make is to check out the free tutorials by @Eldar at and then move on to the Core Training Videos that currently include 60 tutorials with free upgrades for life as Blocs evolves.

The good thing about these videos is that they will explain the basic logic behind Blocs and the way it works, particularly with custom classes. I really struggled with Blocs for a while, despite having used both Freeway and Rapidweaver in the past, but the videos were very useful in making that step forward, though I’ll freely admit I’m still learning and need more hands on experience.


@Flashman That’s great advice! The core training is really organized well. It will speed up your learning dramatically. The core training also serves as a great reference for how to’s when trying to remember how use features. I think every new use should use @Eldar core training.


@Flashman @casey1823

Thank you for your kind words, guys!
Feedback from users like you is what keeps me motivated to add more and more videos to my courses!


@Flashman @casey1823 @Eldar


I have little time user of this community Blocs, but so far had not intervened because it took several weeks learning Blocs through @Eldar videos. For me it was incredibly easy and quick to learn thanks to @Eldar Blocs. I recommend it as @Flashman says. Everyone should go first by @Eldar videos.

Now it would be very useful some training videos or documents with the new version of Blocs that @norm have not left to download.

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