Blocs Folders in Application Support

Can I safely delete the Blocs, Blocs2, Blocs3 and Blocs4 folders from
~/Library/Application Support? Or does v5 still use those folders?

(I realized I haven’t used any older versions of Blocs, so I’d clean up a bit …) :innocent:

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A quick test, if I move away the Blocs folder, I loose activation etc. So leave that in place.
But moving away the folders Blocs 2, Blocs 3 and Blocs 4 doesn’t seem to trigger any errors or popups upon launching Blocs 5. :sweat_smile:

I was just about to raise the same question before I saw your post earlier. It would be good to have some clarification on this from @Norm and maybe add it to documentation.

I have run Blocs 2,3,4 and 5 on different computers and found myself with the main Blocs folder, plus folders for 3,4 and 5 in application support. I still have Blocs 4 installed, but haven’t used it in some time. I’m not even sure about the compatibility at this point with Sonoma.

From what I can tell, those folders for Blocs 3 and 4 mainly contain brics, blocs and fonts etc that would be used, however they add up to around 300mb in drive space, so I’ll gladly clean shop if it is safe to do so after checking my various projects.