Blocs for iPad is super buggy

Many issues within the interface and having to close and reopen the app to continue working. Some things:

elements (blocs) will freeze and cannot be selected.
the app crashes randomly once in a while so all work is lost.
sometimes changes won’t be reflected in the “live mode”
up and down arrows to move blocs sometimes doesn’t work.
some blocs won’t delete unless going into the layers menu

There’s probably more bugs, hard to keep track of all of them.

I’m on a 4th gen iPad Pro with iOS 17.2. Blocs for iPad is up to date. I use the Apple Pencil much of the time when working.

I did report these bugs to support and haven’t heard back from anyone.

What’s going on here?

Hey, sorry for the bad experience, we have a big update coming for Blocs for iPad in the coming weeks which has held up all the more recent bug fixes on that platform.

Once that new version is out, we will return to regular fixes on that platform.

I’ll get a response sent out to your support ticket today and double check what has already been fixed based on your reports.

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Ahh very good thank you!

90% of this app is absolutely brilliant (coming from many years on WP). Would love to see this platform dialed-in, it has so much going for it, and I love just using my iPad for such things.


Thank you.

Totally agree, some nice improvements coming next week :sunglasses: