Blocs for Mac 5.1.3 Beta Build 2

Ok. Umm, it will be nice to let the users know something has happened. Maybe I will move the reset to the initialise function.

What’s weird, is I am now in a completely different project and the notification just popped up from the other project!!! :grimacing: :grimacing:

That bric is not in this project.

Hey, @norm.

Removing an attachment from a page asks me to confirm if I want to delete the whole page, which it does when confirming. The second question is how the attachment got there in the first case as its a project attachment.

CleanShot 2023-09-19 at 11.36.16

@Jerry that’s the page delete button (the big red one)

Use the minus icon up the top of the attachment list.

:man_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

That was pretty stupid of me! :rofl:

I’ll have my lunch first and continue afterwards! :cut_of_meat: :fries:

Which doesn’t change the question why it got there in the first place.

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I think Norm needs to look at the page / project attachments again. The doubling up issue appears to be back. @Bootsie had this just recently. And I have this with Flexy 2 during dev.


Here Jerry. Some virtual relief for you :joy:

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I often find the same attachments in project settings AND in page settings.
Is that correct?

If you add a bric to a global area any attachments should show under project attachments.

Non global areas the attachments should show in page attachments.

Or that’s how it makes sense to me :grin:

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Hey Jerry, you’re far from that. We all know that mistake wasn’t because of you. You’re just a victim of poor UX. :slightly_smiling_face:

Aside of the unknown attachment, the “Delete” button should be clear as to what it does, but it doesn’t. It should perhaps say “Delete Page” as well as include a tool tip. Currently there is no tool tip, and there’s also no way for a user to know this will delete the page when in layer view in a multi-page project. I’ve come across several similar situations before and I’m sure others have as well. Others might not have mentioned it because they might have thought it was their fault, just like what you experienced.

And in this particular situation, although users get a modal popup informing them the page will be deleted, it causes the user to pause and think about what just happened. Situations like this can quickly become very frustrating and lead users to feel they’re the problem.

Also, though it can be argued that it’s a minor inconvenience and that the user would eventually learn how to navigate this afterwards, but when there are multiple situations like this within the app these minor inconveniences can add up and increase the product’s learning curve for those less savvy of web development trying to advance their skill level.

Just my two cents worth… :slightly_smiling_face:


I agree, this button label was changed from (Delete Page) when Blocs was localised into different languages due to cropping of the translation being too long.

I’ll get it fixed up.


Lost in translation.

“For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.”



I couldn’t agree more! I’ve opened all versions of Blocs 1, 2, 3, and 4 (yes, Blocs 1 still works!), examining the evolution of that specific button over the years. In Blocs 2 and 3, the button was explicitly labeled ‘Delete Page’ (without the alarming red color).

It was only in Blocs 4 that the term ‘page’ was omitted. This could have occurred when Blocs was translated into various languages, but that’s just guessing on my part.

Restoring the word ‘page’ to the button would significantly improve clarity, @Norm :thinking:. It’s a common human tendency to gravitate towards the large red button, as opposed to the small ‘minus’ sign in the top right corner. Blocs 5 has been available for about a year now. The months leading up to the next release could be an opportune time to reevaluate and enhance the UX.

Adding my 2 cents to yours @MiguelR. :grin:

I’m now too slow in typing as well :rofl:. Thanks @Norm


That’s an excellent observation. The color is another thing that may inadvertently cause users to think they need to click on it… due to the intensity of the color. To put it another way, it implies that the user should want to click this in order to proceed, instead of anything else.

…another cent’s worth.

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We’ve now amassed a whopping grand total of five cents! :moneybag: :money_mouth_face:
This modest sum would afford us a local tea in my corner of the globe. However, in your part of the world, it’s likely our small fortune wouldn’t stretch quite as far.

Anyone else having this issue? When clicking on certain elements, the toolbar on the right glitches, not just with forms, had it with hyperlinks etc too.


Hey, @Norm.
UX issues aside the Blocs Builder has some challenges as well.

When updating a JS and do a reset all Blocs does take the liberty to remove the old JS file from project settings attachments and to add them to the page settings attachments. So the old and new files are still there.

CleanShot 2023-09-19 at 21.39.56

When updating a Bric and exporting Blocs overwrites the old file without any warning. Thats just dangerous :rotating_light:!
CleanShot 2023-09-19 at 21.44.54

The list box was also more defined with borders. The newer version has none. Which I like, but it’s obviously easy to click the wrong button.

Must have been something in that coconut too, I’m sure you have removed attachments many, many times with no issues. :grin:


Can we get :focus-visible added to the pseudo options in the class editor please. (I would love outline options too :grin:)

It’s becoming more used now, especially with assistive technologies. Also better UX. :grin:

Kevin Powell does a great job explaining it here.


Also wondering about a solution for images that are turned to links. No way to add things like attributes to the link itself. The custom attribute options only add it to the image.

Eg. I have a series of images with links but I want to be able to add tabindex=“-1” to the link. Unfortunately it applies it to the image and so is pointless.

My only solution is to create JavaScript to modify it. :thinking:

Maybe the structure can appear in the layer tree to select?

Any chance you can share this project with me?