Blocs for Mac 5.1 - Released 🍾

Hey, @Norm.

Could the class descriptions in the library be displayed in a column rather than solely upon hovering? I’ve noticed that I rarely utilize the library, as scanning through each class individually to determine their purpose is quite tedious.

Any chance this could actually identify the unused swatches for before choosing to delete all?

Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 13.34.29

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Ready for 5.1.2 :smiley:


Whoop Whoop. :tada: :partying_face:

Beers :beers: :beers: are served under the :coconut: :palm_tree: only. No deliveries are provided. :grin:

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I keep getting this window pop up (not all the time) when starting Blocs. Obviously nothing to download?

Dismissing it, it comes back again later.

Is it a permissions thing?

This is managed by the OS when speak recognition is requested by Blocs. Not sure why it’s showing for you as there is nothing to download, Just check the “do not show again” box.

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Pretty sure I have before. I’ll try again.

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