Blocs for Mac 5.1 - Released 🍾

Hey everyone we just released Blocs for Mac 5.1 :sunglasses:

We started beta testing this exciting new version of Blocs way back in March, working hard with you the Blocs community to improve and refine it every week.

The time has finally come to set this version free, we hope you enjoy it. :eagle:

And thanks again to all who helped to test Blocs for Mac 5.1 :purple_heart:

Like always, we made a little promo video to celebrate the launch of Blocs for Mac 5.1 and showcase some of the new features:

I also wrote a blog post with a little more detail of what’s new and of course, what’s coming next.

Im Having Problems
If you are having problems with this new version of Blocs rest assured we will be releasing fixes and further tweaks in the coming days.

But if you absolutely can’t wait, then you can access and download all of the older versions of Blocs 5 here.

Navigation Link Colours
If you notice your navigation link colours in dropdown menus no longer take effect, this post will explain why and how to fix it.


Great video and some brilliant new features ! Well done @Norm


Congratulations on the successful release Blocs version 5.1! You and all those who are behind this release have worked so hard work, dedicating so much attention to to this highly anticipated achievement. Thank you for your unwavering commitment. Well done!

To be honest with you when I read “I’m having problems” it immediately made me think should we be using this for all our projects now since it seemed like betas are right around the corner.

When it comes to apps in the web design space, betas are always going to be right around the corner. Progress never ends :sweat_smile:


Can not find the summer sale during the purchase procedure. Is there some discount code to apply? Many thanks in advance.

It’s handled automatically. Are you buying new or upgrading from Blocs V4?

Hi Norm, I am a new user. Thanks for your replay :slightly_smiling_face:

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Everything you need to know is here: sale


That was a short Beta run. :grin:


That’s great!! Thank you very much. I am going to purchase it right now.


Thank @Norm you do hard work.

The update has made a great improvement, and the new feature is a nice touch."


I have found when duplicating a page, that when duplicating an empty space appears within the pad canvas.
If I restart blocsapp, it disappears, but when I duplicate another page again, it reappears!

random blocsapp stuff!

Any chance you can send me a copy of the project?

Sure, I’ll send you the project by DM

Thank you!

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Yeah I imagine that’s possible.


I like the cool Videos that taut and tease us.
Let’s have one of those Norm and team…

Rich the Weather Guy

Any chance this could actually identify the unused swatches for before choosing to delete all?

Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 13.34.29

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Ready for 5.1.2 :smiley: