Blocs for Mac V5.2.1 Beta Build 5

Hey everyone, here is Blocs for Mac V5.2.1 beta build 5, with some fixes regarding the PHP server and previewing.

This will be the last beta of 5.2.1, testing will begin on V5.2.2 early next week.

Happy testing :smiley:

Download Blocs V5.2.1 beta Build 5


Bric builder, UI half width issues again with Text field.

Full width

CleanShot 2024-02-02 at 17.58.14@2x

Half width

CleanShot 2024-02-02 at 17.58.26@2x

Do you think it is possible we could stack half width fields vertically?

I assume these UI elements are rather complex, due to this popping up again. :man_shrugging:

@Jerry I have seen that various times before this build.


Sorry about that, if you can send me a copy of a project containing the original class I’ll investigate this and see if I can get this patched up for Wednesday beta.

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Yeah its a pain, are you hiding any other elements in the UI? And is the problem consistent?

I have found this only happens occasionally when there are elements hidden in the Brics UI.

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Yeah I am using that. Thats a pretty common option to use though :grin:

I just re-designed around it (Added a visual relative z-index for the backdrop based on BS docs :laughing: ). It is tidier this way, but thats not always an option in some brics. In this case, the hidden items were not near these half width elements.

CleanShot 2024-02-05 at 23.35.41@2x

I have noticed it’s not a true half width though, the left side is wider and has more room for labels :man_shrugging: