Blocs for Mac V5.2.4 Beta Build 6

Here is beta 6 of Blocs for Mac V5.2.4. I’ve fixed a few new keyboard issues that popped up in build 5 and made more improvements to keyboard shortcuts for moving Blocs.

Happy Testing :muscle:

Download Blocs V5.2.4 Beta Build 6


Still cannot move blocs up or down via keyboard shortcuts with this beta.

Could you please try in a fresh project, just to rule out an issue with a project file.

Tried that just now on a brand new project with just two blocs and it’s still broken. I can open the same project or any other in 5.2.3 and it works fine.

Ive sent you a private build to try.

Where are the Beta details:
New Features & Fixes for all Betas? Could someone reply back with a link.

Blocs 5.2.4 (b5)
Blocs 5.2.4 (b4)
Blocs 5.2.4 (b4)…

It’s all listed on the link at the top of this thread

It is only showing Blocs 5.2.4 (b6)

Arrows are working perfect in text again :grin:

Even in b6, the “Brick Move Shortcut” does not work.

Are you using an Intel Mac?


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I can confirm this as well. Just like blocs cannot be moved at present on Intel and you’ll need to go back to 5.2.3.

New in build 6 section, is what is new in build 6.

The rest is an accumulation across all builds. What is updated per build is not shown online, but is included in the release notes that come with the betas.


It’s a good thing I saved them all.

I am always concerned about whether it is okay to edit and update projects that were edited and updated with the beta version using a previous version. Of course, I have backups from when I was using version “5.23,” but I don’t precisely remember which parts I have updated between “5.23” and “5.24b6.”

I wouldn’t worry too much about using betas from that perspective. Making updates on a beta vs a stable build is really no different other than accepting there is a higher possibility of problems with a newly introduced feature.

I use the betas all the time, often because they have some improvement I want or just a fix for an exiting bug. The more important aspect is about Blocs being reliable in general, so you can confidently come back to a project after a week or year with a newer version and just be able to use it reliably.

Difficulties like we both have at the moment, not being able to move blocs or brics with keyboard shortcuts in the beta are frustrating, and they do take up time, but can be worked around. I plan on switching to silicon in the next few weeks and I’m hoping it will be a better experience generally.

I am still using Catalina for web development. Catalina is lightweight, so I haven’t been able to switch. However, since I can no longer use DuckDuckGo, it might be time to finally switch.