Blocs for Mac V5.2.4 Beta Build 7

Here is beta 7 of Blocs for Mac V5.2.4. I’ve fixed a few more keyboard issues on intel Macs in this build.

Happy Testing :beers:

Download Blocs V5.2.4 Beta Build 7


Bloc/Bric move shortcut seems to working OK now for me on this beta with my Intel MacBook Pro. :))))

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Working here as well.

I also confirmed that the modification is correct.

Crash when opening Wordpress site created in Blocs 5.2.3
Running in Sonoma, Intel Mac mini.

Scrolling with mouse wheel on the canvas and a bloc with the background image set to fixed is still not working.
Norm, I won’t give up :wink:

why is Build 7 not available?

It was officially released on Monday.


Blocs Beta

There are currently no beta

builds of Blocs at this time.

It’s no longer in beta, its officially released.


Not really the thread, but it would be good to see more open graphs love. More options like og:img alt text, video etc.

oops thanks