Blocs for Mac V5.2 Beta Build 11 πŸ˜…


Thanks for the help with the bugs - your efforts are making it so much better! I left a final comment in ticket #24344



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Hi Norm:

I was scrolling through the impressive list of new features (and fixes) and I don’t see a β€œCopy All” option for adding images to the Asset Manager.
We traded e-mails on this a while back, and I was hoping to see it in the 5.2 release.

Just trying to get this back on your radar.


Rich the Weather Guy

Sorry, not everything can make it in.

My suggestion would be to get more involved in the testing if you have time.

Just realised, beyond navigating with keyboard (which I have solved for NavPlus), when you close an Offcanvas with Esc, it will obviously throw the lightbox js error too.

I will wait until you amend the blocs.js before I do any more around the error. Because I don’t want to create a bunch of event listeners just to avoid this. Especially when it affects any website built with Blocs and a user using accessibility assistance.