Blocs Guy

Hi Guys, I’m blocs guy and as many of you guys know I run the youtube channel Blocs_Guy
Youtube Channel.

I am about to finish university for the year and have 4 months to create videos again. I am aiming to produce a video every 2 days to help you guys improve on using blocs.

I am also launching a blocs template website to provide you guys with high quality template for blocs which should be launched within the next week or so. Keep up to date with news here Click.

Thanks to all of you who have subscribed to the channel and new content coming soon :slight_smile:


This is great! Can I request a video? Hahaha I want to implement this to Blocs haha can you help me how?

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I’ll take a look and get back to you :smile:

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Welcome back!

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What does it do? not quite sure…

Site search

I guess it’s the same jQuerie based principle, but I’d really love to know how to use this plugin.

Thanks, Andy

Ah I see now…guess I was doing it wrong. I might wanna use it in my current project building a webshop with Blocs and October. Shouldn’t be hard to implement?