Blocs Static Pages links not working in Wordpress Theme

Here is my dilemma…

All was working properly a day ago. Went to work on my wordpress theme this morning in Blocs and links to static pages broke. When I upload my theme to my local wordpress server… the links for the static pages show a 404 page.

My structure has all the required .php wordpress pages and a couple static pages for Contact and Story. These were working perfect a day ago but now have broke. I’ve even tried the vault and opened up a backup 2 and 4 days ago and the problem persists.

I do remember messing with the permalink setting in the Dashboard but resetting it back to the default doesn’t help.

Hi @PixelCanvas ,

Would you mind sharing the url’s that are showing 404 (via DM if you want to keep it discrete) with me? I’ll gladly take a look.

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Hi there, I am having a similar problem, when I add a page to my main menu, the page link is always just /page.
I know it is not an installation issue as menu’s work correctly with other non blocs themes.
also this is only an issue on my locally installed WP dev environment (via the LOCAL app by wp engine) it was not an issue originally either this just started.

Hi @seabasstin ,

Where exactly are you adding the links to your nav menu? Can you include an image so I can better understand?

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Did you create your nav menus in WP, then in Blocs, make sure you set your nav to a Wordpress menu.

For example you create a primary menu in Wordpress then in Blocs you setup the navigation to use that primary menu in Wordpress.

Let me know if you need more help.