Blocs Summer Sale 2024 ☀️

Our summer sale has started and for the next 4 days ONLY, we have Blocs 5 and Blocs 5 Plus on Sale. We also have 30% off our products in the Blocs Store.

You can find all of the Blocs Summer Sale discounts here :point_down:


Perfect opportunity to get the Blocs 5 Plus! :boom:

Blocs Master is also joining the Summer Sale, so if you’ve decided to spend the summer designing with the Blocs app, I am here to help you do that more efficiently!


Some great deals from you both there - I have just sent both your links to some friends of mine. Hope you get some sales !

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My (current) version of Blocs is not showing me the option to upgrade to Plus.
please advise

Are you currently using Blocs 5?

Thank you for the deal. Do you plan to add the support of Joomla CMS in Blocs Plus ?

Our Summer Sale continues…

Did you see the promo video we released to promote it?

We have no immediate plans.

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Hi - I currently have Version 3 and I am looking to upgrade to Version 5, is that possible and how much would that cost?

There is no upgrade path from Blocs 3. You would be best just buying Blocs V5 new, which would (if you’re fast) get you around 60% off in the current sale.

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