Blocs V5.0.7 Beta Build 2

Hey everyone, here is the second beta of Blocs V5.0.7. This release has a range of bug fixes and a few little improvements to how IDs work within stored custom Blocs.

Have fun :sunglasses:

Don’t forget to hard reload your browser :eyes:

Download Blocs V5.0.7 beta Build 2


Sorry to bother you again, but the extension manager is still not working properly.

I know you’ve mentioned this, it appears to be working fine here with no other reports submitted.

By not working properly do you mean it’s slow in checking for updates?

And to make sure it’s not a matter of internet speed or to many brics or whatsoever.
And there are reports of the issue on the forum if I remember right.

I would suggest trying one of the older versions of Blocs V5 maybe even the very first release.

Just download and rather than drag the app to applications folder. Drag it to your desktop.

Launch this older version and check the update check speed in the EM. Let me know if it’s faster.

Bill and Flashman reported it in this thead.

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Same thing.
I also tried it with Blocs 5.0.5.
Same thing.

If you install all of the Brics you have in Blocs 5 into Blocs 4 you will likely find it will perform the same in Blocs 4 too.

The point here is, it’s not a bug more a performance bottleneck when you have lots of servers to check across the globe.

This function is dependent on responses from the servers it connects too.

I can confirm this. And it’s been like that for a little while. Cannot say when this got introduced though. Eventually it works, but it takes up to 3 minutes before the extension manager finds brics to update.

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I tried the other day in Blocs 4 and it was slow there as well with the extension manager, however it is clear this only started a few weeks ago.

If the extension manager included a tweak to show progress checking individual brics and perhaps allowed us to update brics as they became ready it would take us about 5 minutes to collectively identify the problem I suspect, then either delete the bric(s) or push for a fix.

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Just chiming in that I don’t have this issue. Mine has been rather quick. And I have over 80 brics installed (obviously a number are custom ones that don’t have an update url)

Maybe it just works for us :kiwi_fruit:’s :joy:

And I believe here is where the problem is. The issue is caused by the updater URL calling As soon as I block this host the updater loads instantly. @webplus you might want to look into this.


EDIT: Totally misread your post Jerry :joy::joy:

Nice find.

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It has an update URL. However, the website it calls doesn’t exist anymore.

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I removed the update urls from webplus and the manager is quick as it should.
Thanks Jerry for the suggestion. We’ve found the troublemaker.

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Well spotted Jerry.

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Thanks. That’s why I deserve a new MacBook :grin:


I’m pretty sure I was next on the list there :joy: you already have an M1. So of us are stuck on Intel :grimacing:

That’s soooo 2020 :rofl: I’m still waiting for my free drink bro! :cocktail: