Blocs V5.1 Beta Build 11

You’ll need to get on the waiting list for it.

If you want to use GPT-4 API key and playground yes. All 3.5 versions are freely available.

Thank you so much for replying. :smile:
Okay I understand that 3.5 is free, But what model do I use do I use with my API key?
It looks like you have to have Tokens, which you have to purchase.

Confirmed that at this end. It works, but it’s fiddly having to isolate that ID in the sidebar to move blocs via shortcut. Obviously it was much easier when we could just select a bloc on the canvas and move it freely.

Hi @Norm

  • Image in image dropzone in custom bric is not exporting to the image folder.
    Followup: This is due to the image applied as a bg in template.
    Suggestion: give devs a variable that would allow us to indicate an image name as needing to be exported - ie Blocs checks a simple array for any image values on export

  • How do I determine if the page has that data-clean-url attribute in the custom-bric.js file ?? - need to set the proper path for an image. I tried:
    var path = $('body').attr('data-clean-url'); but is undefined in developer console on all pages



Yeah I think I have a solution in the next beta, which I’ll get out later today.


I’ve got this fixed up in the next beta. I’ll DM you an example bric.