Blocs V5.1 Beta Build 11

Hey everyone, here is the 11th beta of Blocs V5.1. This build adds support for the latest ChatGPT model, adds a link to the AI Assistant docs to the window title bar and fixes another issue with custom Blocs.

More fixes and final betas coming next week. Until then have a great weekend! :beers:

Download Blocs 5.1 Beta 11


Applying a class to a square image inside a card stretches it to a rectangular image.

It’s a resizing issue:
Small Potato Ltd 2023-06-24 at 08.29.11

Do you get this in a fresh project? Just making sure nothing is being inherited here.

It’s only on the canvas. In preview and live it shows as expected.

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This problem with the blocs not moving via keyboard shortcuts has been there for quite a while now and it really slows down the workflow. I am on the latest beta but I just checked and it is like that with 5.0.8 as well. Intel machine on the latest stable release of Ventura with an Apple keyboard.

using this beta apparently the previews in different browsers are shown differently for the fonts, “safari” does not display them correctly…

Hey, @Norm. Your fancy AI assistant which I have named @Helen :blonde_woman::blush: is doing a great job. However, she throws in randomly some <br><br>. Please train here not to do this in the next beta. :grin:

When using the GPT-4 API Key the token length is set to the default of the playground to 256. This is too short for content writing.

Hey, @Norm.

The issue of crashing when typing S+W in the Bric search menu has reappeared, after having been resolved since the 5.0.7 Beta version. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

Small Potato Ltd 25-06-2023 at 05.00

I’ll add an option to adjust that.

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This is usually caused by the beta naming. Last time it resolved itself when the app name is set to Blocs

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Those betas… :grin: :man_facepalming:

Hey, @Norm.
Not sure if it’s a bug but when creating breadcrumb navigation using the standard bootstrap classes the breadcrumb is not aligning with the divider. I must add 5 “spaces” to align correctly :thinking:. I’m sure users would welcome a little Bric to Blocs to ease using breadcrumb navigation. :innocent:

Small Potato Ltd 2023-06-25 at 12.29.42

I guess @Lucas has to rename his swiper plugin to svviper :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


And @Whittfield shall rename his Swiffy plugin to svviffy. :grin:


I’ve added the ability to set the max tokens in the next beta, it’s default is currently 150.


It looks like the webview used in Blocs (provided by the OS) is highjacking the keyboard shortcuts when it has focus.

You can test this by selecting the ID field in the sidebar and then using the shortcut, you’ll see it then works. This is because the WebView doesn’t have direct focus and the ID field is the first responder. I think this is something new in Ventura.

Webviews are pretty locked down by Apple so not much room for customisation, hopefully this wont require using an alternative keyboard shortcut.

Have you checked the scale property (in the inspector) for each of the images?

Yes, and all looks and works sweet in preview / Iive. The glitch is only on the canvas when building the website.

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Has anyone had issue with the form not sending emails on build 11


Why do they make it so difficult to find GPT 4 for API Key? I have the key for version 3.5, but since I’m on the free or trial version I cannot find what model to use.

Even when reading through open AI’s Website ( it’s very difficult to find information that is useful for the free/trial version. Does that mean that in order to use ChapGPT 3.5 - 4 in the Beta, You have to use a paying Model like the one Jerry is using?

Man I sure hope somebody comes up with the tutorial or some documentation so I don’t have to read through pages and pages and pages to find what I’m looking for.