BricsDesign Black Friday Blowout πŸŽ‰

We're Celebrating Black Friday This Year !

Thank You for Your Loyalty – 40% Off All Products!

As a token of my appreciation, I’m giving everyone 40% off everything in my product line. This Black Friday Loyalty Bundle is available for a limited time, so grab your savings and make this season a win-win!
(Discount is applied automatically)

Get the Bundle



Limited - as in it ends at 4:52 PM (PST) on Black Friday or 3:25 AM (MSK) on Cyber Monday?

Don’t need anything but people generally wish to know some sort of timeframe of a sale, for instance β€œuntil Saturday, November 30th” like @jannis presented.

Unless of course you’re going for the contrived panic approach to marketing with the absence of a timeframe to compel people to impulse panic purchase? :grin:

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It will be through Cyber Monday :partying_face: :running_man:


This is a great price for so many Brics!!!

Terrific sale Bill…

Rich the Weather Guy

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