Can one publish directly to Siteground with V5+

Wondering if one can publish directly to Siteground with the publish feature in V5+. I’ve previously used and FTP client to upload a V4 site to Siteground (and a2Hosting, for that matter).

Using SG’s suggested settings the files get dumped in file manager above the /public_html. I needed to use their file manager to manually place the files in /public_html (which worked)

Here are SG’s inputs and how I completed them:
name (English description of the server, eg. I wrote Siteground, but I could have written Santa Claus)
address: the actual IP (as the did not work)
username: an ftp email address for the site, e.g.
password: for the ftp email address
protocol: FTP
Path: / (yep, just a forward slash, putting /public_html or mywebsite. com/ public_html did not work
Port: 21

wondering if this is a hopeless cause, if I should go back to generating the site on my desktop and using Cyberduck to transfer?


removed my Siteground diabtribe. Maybe put that up on its own tomorrow (if I’m still angry enough)

Just using cyberduck now. Is a work around for time being

Hi @egamiimage if you find a way to do this in blocs to site ground please share.

99.9% of the time in site ground I upload my websites in site tools.

Hi @AdieJAM. Unless someone has another suggestion, it appears cyberduck seems the easiest way to go to selectively (or entirely) change, overwrite, etc. files. Siteground’s file manager doesn’t allow you to delete folders in the first hierarchy (they need to be shifted down one layer - for this I created a trash folder) and then one can only delete folders and files one item at a time.

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Hi @egamiimage

Did you manage to do this within siteground?..ive tried for an hr ! no luck.

No desperate but thought as its something ive always wanted I would use it.