Can Scroll Effects be customised?

Hello everyone.
I know there are a few options in the scroll effects settings, but is there any way to force a scroll effect to continue if you scroll to the bottom of the page and the result hasn’t quite finished?
I know you can add padding/margin/extra blocs below the effect bloc, but having that lump of empty space near the bottom of the page is not very elegant.
The alternative I’m currently playing with is to have the bottom picture ‘fixed’, and scroll effects on the pics above, but not ideal.
Any suggestions are welcome, unfortunately, all in progress at the moment, so nothing online.
Pic attached to make it a bit clearer.

I created an infinite page scroll a couple of weeks back as part of my Javascript course. Would that help?

Small Potato Ltd 2023-06-27 at 16.16.45

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Hi @jerry, thanks very much for the offer, and sorry for the late reply. I posted my question then went out!
That may help, not sure, can you point me at a page where I can some pointers to try and give this JavaScript malarkey a go?

Probably a wish list thing for the future, but it would be good to be able to offset the triggers for scroll effects, so you could always ensure the full
Animation has taken place. Even some set distances, like the padding feature for blocs.

Thanks against n, very kind.

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Although it’s handy to have some built in scroll effects, until there is some detailed controls, you are stuck with the defaults. Which is why I seldom use them myself.

You can of course easily add other solutions like Animate on Scroll…

This is why I’m a big advocate of LowCode, enjoy the benefits of point and click and the flexibility of taking things further, it’s a better/flexible approach for creatives.

AOS will also let you define animations by breakpoint too.


Thanks @PeteSharp, I shall look into that over the next few days

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What about scroll Fx extras?


I came across Locomotive a while back. I haven’t tried it yet but will put it on the agenda for this weekend. By the look of the demo page, it must be pretty awesome.


Yes. I do have that. It had slipped my mind. :grin:


Locomotive looks interesting - if a bit busy!

That might just do the trick @chicuelo Thanks


I have used Scroll FX extras on a site where a client wanted a detailed effect and it was really good.

I have not tried it on any projects on the latest Blocs, so not sure if its all ok - but remember there is no current support on this bric till @Whittfield gets himself well and taken the time he needs to get himself back up and running again.

One reason I have not used Scroll FX on the lates blocs I find the latest Blocs has all the effects I need built in as I use them very little anyway.

Good luck !

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