as lot of people I upgraded to BLOCS 6 and pretty happy about it
it was the time now to open old projects (started on blocs 5) and work on them (blocs 6)
I found not so easy to click on the brics used (which appear to not be installed
and go to store and/or going to gumroad or cartloom and downloading them manually etc etc…
so I am stuck to not be able to install some because: link dead… @Lucas: if you can let me know how to solve it thanks
So @Norm, is there a possibility to have a kind of BLOCS STORE DATABASE of what we bought and having ONE and ONLY one page with the last version to download?
the extension manager already propose to us to upgrade a installed BRICS when the creator put online a new version of it…
I guess it is also possible on BLOCS STORE to have a page dedicated to our buyings and then in one click being able to download the new version… (without considering the platform used for buying it: gumeroad/cartloom etc…)
kind of APPLE STORE in term of having all products bought in one page (linked to an email)
it is a pain to have to download manually the brics and often not being able to downloading them (as the example I posted)
When installing Blocs 6 and opening it for the first time, there should have been a prompt to migrate all existing addons from Blocs 5 to Blocs 6.
You’re most probably buying from different developers. And these developers do not sell on the Blocs Store (as this is just a directory of available Blocs addons), but on their own platforms.
1/ I did the migration
but still some didnt work (I show some screenshots)
2/ this is the point
I speak about trusted sellers that you can find them on this list
would be great to have a page of ALL products bought from those sellers
like a “extension manager” but not inside BLOCS but like a page from BLOCS STORE (in our profile part)
I know that all those trusted sellers have their own platform to sell (gumeroad/cartloom are the 2 I know maybe there is others…)
but I bought them directly from their own store on blocs store
which redirects me to their own gumeroad or cartloom platform, which is clearly fine for me
but I guess I am not the only one who bought lot of lot of useful brics and having one page dedicated on what we bought can be soooo useful
a page like " Favourites" (
I just screenshots of what can it be… for the purpose of the example I just liked some products, not show 100% what I like or not…
it will make it easier to obtain an upgrade or to know what we bought.
Having reliable links to go to download manually if needed (cf my problem with one of the bric that I cannot DL right now…)
from my side, there is some brics I didnt remember I bought them or some that I have to search on my email under the name “GUMROAD” to find a reliable link of those brics (because I didnt install them on BLOCS meaning they are not appearing on the extension manager from blocs 6)
after each confirmed buying, the seller can easily bring back the information to BLOCS STORE that the buyer with the email “” bought the products ABCD
and seeing it appearing on this page
Maybe it is not a good idea but I thought I will share this idea as I felt pretty weird to loose time on searching this or that…