Can't apply background color to a specific bloc

Is your website published? Include a link and I will take a look and see if I can spot something…

I have published a previous version and at that time I was not having any issue. I can PM you the project file if you want.

Thanks for taking the time for helping me.

Sure send it to me.

The white color is coming from your project settings, as we know you should be able to override this with a class for the block or via the sidebar. Not sure why this is happening. There may be some thing in your project settings I can’t see. I think it would be good to follow up with Norm on your bug report.

However, I found a work around for you to try:

  • Add the following class to your project “tc-white”
  • Open class editor for tc-white
  • Change image color to white

Once this is done test and see what you get.

Thanks very much for your time.

I have already tagged @Norm in this conversation, let’s see if he can help me.

Did you try the work around? It will get you going for now.

Can’t right now but will try it later.

Hey, I tried but it didn’t work out.

I have tried to tag Norm in this conversation and I have also wrote him but he didn’t reply.
I have opened a bug report that is “being processed” since 10 days by Norm.

What else can I do to get support?

Can you pm the blocs project file with the change in it?

I just tried the fix I sent you on another machine and it fixes your issue on it as well. What version of Blocs are you using?

I sent you a PM with a working copy of your project.