Card Designer Keeps Crashing

Not sure what’s happening but I’m trying to add card designer to a page and Blocs Crashes as soon as I try to use it. Anyone else having this issue?

What version of Blocs? Does this happen with other Brics? Does it happen in a new project?

@PeteSharp - V4.5.1

Also I now get this. Video is blank? Did Card Designer stop working?? I see the video in PREVIEW mode but not when live. I’m on Bootstrap 5.

I’m not able to replicate your issue.

To my knowledge Card designer can’t handle videos.

Just tested card designer and all working fine my side. BS5, V4.5.1

I see the video in preview mode. So it just won’t go live?

Here is the video screenshot in preview mode.

If card designer doesn’t work, can anyone recommend another method? I just want to place a video but the video is a specific size and when I place it in, it leaves these huge white bars in.

You need to apply the right ratio for the video. Pretty sure we did this on an earlier version of this site :grin:

We did. Revisiting it and can’t figure it out.

If you went of the previous solve we just override a bootstrap 4 class from memory.

The thing to note is in Bootstrap 5 those classes have changed and BS now has a ratio class system.

If you look at the browser inspector you will see how it works.

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Ok thanks!