Card Designer Purchase

If someone could, please advise. I am wishing to purchase Card Designer which shows as available in the Blocs Store. I have tried twice, unsuccessfully with both PayPal and Apple Pay to purchase it and both times got advised that the item is not for sale. Please could someone point me in the right direction to be able to complete the purchase.

Welcome to the community Saffa. I have had a look and it seems Card Designer is still for sale. It may be worth contacting Whittfield, the creator and seller of Card Designer to ask how you can purchase. There is a contact us link at the bottom of his websitse

Thanks Helen . I have sent the same message on the chat bot and am awaiting a reply.

@Whittfield seems to have removed it from sale in Gumroad. Which is a shame, it’s a great bric. Hopefully it’s reinstated.

Pete maybe a chance for you to redesign this Bric for us all? That would be great.

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Having bought this useful bric I would like to wish it a long life. Thank yous to Whitfield for the design and build. But if he has opted to put it aside and not adapt, maintain or profit from it is there not a way for it to be bought by Norm and Helen and become a permanent part of the Blocs application.

Or could it be gifted. ? Or passed on to Norm in return for a percentage on sales.
Or maybe another developer could find a way to buy or adopt it and, well, develop it ?

For something that is appreciated by the blocs community it would be a shame to consign it to memory.

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Based on the developer’s site it is exactly what, as a novice I need. Would be nice to get a reply or acknowledgement for the message sent on his messaging system to confirm either way.

Hi would like the suggestions from both @BAM or @calvados that Card Designer is continued in a way.

I do know both Pete and Norm are very busy with their own projects too and its sales which drive interest for these brics in the first place and with so many early adopters that if the bric is redesigned from the ground up from Pete or if as @calvados has said that Norm brings this into Blocs not as a bric for I wonder if this can be part of native Blocs.

Its such an amazing brics and I would love see more advancement in this Bric with new features and more flexibility of size etc…

Fingers crossed !!! Also Swiffy Bric - which was I have used, but not in the way I wanted to as it was slightly flawed from day one, but has potential for it to be an amazing bric!

But I do know in the works I think from @Bill and/or @Jerry on a new bric coming or in the works !

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