Carousel text issue

What have I got wrong?
Text carousel works fine but not on mobile breakpoint.
I’m trying to replace the accordion with a carousel, then slow the slide transformation later.
Carousel brick set with 1209 x 300 clear .png with 1200px custom class.

Hi @apswoodwork

It looks like your carousel is set to be only width: 35% for anything smaller than desktop view.

Cheers / Johny

I cant see it in any classes, and when I try to add a new carousel, it goes small on the lower screen sizes.
See here on a test page.

The carousel on your test link looks alright on mobile and desktop.
It’s 100% width.

Maybe your first link have some conflicting classes.
I found the 35% width in the style.css

Hi Jonny.
Thanks for spotting that.
The text in the carousel still doesn’t show on smaller screens.
I think I may delete the carousel, it seems buggy.

your /test.html looks like this on my iPhone 7

That’s what I see, no header.
Any clues @Norm?

Isn’t that because you don’t have an image (or its to small) on those slides?
The slides with image behaves differently.

When I’ve done a text only slider I’ve used a blank png so it will act just as there was an image.

Here’s the post about that.


I thought I added a blank png from your helpful video.
I’ll check again.
Thanks for this, Johny.
Does the containing block need to be set to fullscreen?