Close button on a bloc

Hi all,

This should be relatively simple but I’ve searched and can’t find an answer – it may be that I’m not au fait with the particular term needed.

On my site at I have a Covid-19 statement. I want to activate the cross so that the bloc disappears. I’ve looked at “toggle modal” but that doesn’t seem to be it.

Help appreciated! (PS: I know I need to set the icon via class manager for each break point but haven’t had chance to do it yet.)

Best wishes,


Hey @Chiefsub68,

Give the Covid-19 statement bloc an ID.

Select the Close icon and in the right side bar set the interactions to toggle visibility and enter your ID you created.

NOTE: Obviously this resets on page reload. If you’re happy with that, that’s great. To have a close and remain close for consecutive visits would probably involve using cookies.

Super, thanks Malachiman.