Compliments to Blocs!

Hi all,

I’m using Blocs since a few weeks now. The only experience I had building a website was when Adobe Muse was available. I own a printshop in Holland, so I have a lot of experience with InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop and I do eat PDF’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but building a website is somehow another kind of thing. After I bought Blocs a couple of weeks ago I had a really tough time getting familiair with it. But with some help here from the community and lots of reading the manual I’m (very) proud to present my new website It’s in Dutch (I’m sorry) but any remarks are really appreciated.

grtz! Jeroen


Nice website!! Great Work.

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Great site! :raised_hands:

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Great work!


Nicely done :white_check_mark:

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Very Cute, nicely designed

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Wow, for a beginner, you did a wonderful job!

The only issue I had was slow loading of the video, otherwise all very smooth.

Nice job!

Rich the Weather Guy

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You have a second menu bar at the bottom of the page you might want to get rid of :slight_smile: