Cookie Consent Bric not working in Wordpress Templates

The cookie Cookie Consent Bric, works locally, but when exporting to Wordpress it never shows. Anyone knows a workaround?


Hi Ricardo

Personally I’d suggest not including this in your WordPress theme, as most custom Brics don’t have a full integration with the WordPress data just yet.

You could use one of these plugins within WordPress to handle this:

Thanks @brechtryckaert,

I’ve had good luck with some other brics, but not this one. I trying to avoid additional plug-ins as much as possible.

Maybe a JavaScript error? Should be easy to debug.

Haven’t got that far yet…was going for the easy route first, lol

For some reason no JS errors in the console. The code is loaded, and correct in the page. But, I still haven’t figure out why it doesn’t run. @Norm any ideas?

I’m afraid not, have you made sure the js file is being loaded correctly?

As far as I can tell yes. I see the add event code in the page (both in the source and when using the inspector) as well as the cookieconsent.min.js file.

I really can’t see a reason why nothing is popping up!?!