Create account for users

Hi, how can I create a sign up page and a login page for users on the website? I want to show some pages only to registered users

Hello @theenrico, you can use Sitelok from Buy Membership Software and Systems Online UK | Vibralogix
If I remember correctly, some forum users are already using this on their Blocs sites.

How can I use it? Iā€™m new in blocs


We have a supplementary manual which shows the specifics of using Sitelok with Blocs. You can download this from Buy Membership Software and Systems Online UK | Vibralogix (scroll down to the manuals section and its called Using Sitelok with Blocs).

Contact us directly if you have any questions.


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@vibralogix Does the site need to be a SSL site to encrypt the username/password or does the sitelok code provide encryption?

Looks like a great product!

Sorry for the delay. You should ideally use SSL on your site to encrypt data (and username/password) from the browser to your site.