Create Testimonials with 'Carousel Bric

Hi Guys

I’m trying to create a testimonials client with the ‘carousel bric’. so far so good, the only problem i have … how to hide / remove the picture in the background ???
Or is there another solution?


The best thing to do is to use the image space for your testimonial. Basically, create a blank canvas in any good image editing app and make sure to set a transparent background. Use the placeholder image dimensions as highlighted in the illustration below:

You now have choices with regard to text. You can either export the plain transparent image as a PNG file and use that as the image for each slide, or you can create the text testimonials in the image editing app and export with the text already in place. If you use the plain transparent background option, you can create your testimonial text as a caption for each slide. You can use the caption placement options to centre the text (as shown above)

Doing this will give a transparent background to the carousel which will allow the bloc background to show through.


I have created a draw as an png image and it underlines the text.
You can see the result at the bottom of my homepage:

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Hi and thanks for your help.
Yes, I had this idea too with the background image … but it’s just one more image;).
Now I checked with the inspector (see screenshot).
If I set the .d-inline-block to display: none, the picture disappears.
But if i set this code in Bloc, it doesnt work?

Given that a transparent PNG of 1200x500 with nothing in the way of text (background only) is only 3.95 kb, I don’t see the addition of an extra image file being a major problem. Of course, you could mess around with the code, but is it really worth the hassle to save a little under 4 kb???

that’s true, you’re right.
I just wonder why it is not possible to remove the image? But the Bric is probably built like that. So i will try it just with a white background image.

Or you could add a 1 px transparent png, then add a class with a minimum height at each breakpoint.

Read through this and look near the bottom of the page in the first website linked. ‘Cotswold Choice …”

I created it now with a white background picture.

I think that’s okay. thank you guys

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