Deleting classes

AFAIK deleting classes causes that class to be removed from every breakpoint, so there is no way to remove a break-specific version of a class.

It would be nice if deleting a class that belongs to a breakpoint other than lg had a button that said “Delete from this breakpoint”, so it only deleted that version, not every version.

If you delete a class it obviously affects every breakpoint. If you just need to amend something at a specific breakpoint you can do that without having to delete the class.

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Indeed, but the whole point about removing the breakpoint-specific version is that the class that exists in the LG (or other breakpoint) will then apply. Just because I’ve made a change in the xs version doesn’t mean I should be stuck with that forever, I should be able to remove that variant so the lg or other version applies.

It’s a simple change that should be made. Ideally there should also be an indicator that what is seen in the class definition is specific to that break point or not.

This is not really complicated and you have been using Blocs for over 5 years, so I am surprised you are struggling with this now.

You can remove or edit any breakpoint setting at any time by simply amending the class at any given breakpoint.

One area I would like to see simplified is with setting or resetting fonts in project settings. A nice simple X symbol to delete all font settings for say H3 or H4 etc would be very welcome.

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I think I am done with the forum for a while.

Good point, a way to reset a class values per breakpoint would be handy.