Digital Products Platform

Hi @Eldar ,

I’m currently busy with building a webshop on my website and I was wondering which platform you recommend to use for selling digital products such as E-books?

I’m now installing Ecwid, but in this video of yours Creating e-Commerce Shop with Blocs and Ecwid - YouTube you’re saying you would use a different platform for digital products which you will explain in the next video. Is this next video live already?
Or could you please tell me which platform you prefer?

Thanks so much in advance!

Looking forward to your reply.

Hi @Dylan,

I highly recommend Podia.

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You can use Sitelok + VibracartPro by but you will need to do everything manually.

  1. You will have full customization of your site done in Blocs and Sitelok will handle the backend part of it.
    It’s not a full cms as it only handles backend part of your website so if you make any changes to your website, you will need to re-upload your website every time.

  2. Creating the customer dashboard will have to be done manually but customers will never need to email you because all your products will live in Sitelok secure folders and you can create download links directly through Sitelok dashboard.

  3. To create “Download” buttons, you will not be able to use the traditional Blocs buttons but instead will need to use “Code Snippet” brics from Blocs. You can customize how those buttons will look like through classes and adjust each bric point look.

  4. You will need to have knowledge of basic CSS and HTML to achieve any coherent results.

  5. If you implement Search Bric function from Blocs, you will need to modify the script a tiny bit if you are using dropdown menus.

  6. You will not have much analytics provided to you if you use Sitelok and VibracartPro. Instead using Google analytics will help you get the data you need. It’s not an all in 1 solution.

  7. Depending on the number of products you are planning on selling, you might consider a full cms.