Download button

When I add a button, set the interaction to Download File and select a file (jpg, in this case), the image is set as the background image for the bloc. If this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Just the way it works it seems :man_shrugging:,

I have never used it, but taking a look, if you compress the image to a zip file and add it to the asset manager, it will show up on the file dropdown as an option. It’s not so obvious thats how it works if you dont have a file other than an image. :smile:

I tried it, and indeed, it was placed as a background image. However, I thought that instead of the asset manager, a window for selecting an external file should be displayed.

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Thanks Pete. This works for me. I was planning on one button per image, but collecting them into one zip file and a single download button makes more sense anyway.

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I think that is a focus thing. @norm can probably explain it.

I confirmed that nothing other than the button was selected, as I also felt that way. I selected a file rather than saying that, more precisely, I can only select images; I couldn’t place anything other than images in the asset manager. I don’t know how to select other data formats.

Hi sifrec. Adding a local asset via the asset manager does seem to be restricted to a mystery set of file formats. eg docx is excluded but zip files are fine.

Thank you, then I’ll zip a file other than the image and try it.

I was able to create a button, make a Zip-compressed movie, place it in the asset manager, and confirm that it functions as a download button.

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