Downloading .doc .xls documents

Not allowing downloading of .doc .xls extensions is very restricting, I’m creating a new website and my client requires these formats in his downloads, can’t these be added? if not what is the reason? I’ll have to fudge for now.

Hi @bbd, the best way is to create a linked file. To do this:

  1. Upload your document to dropbox

  2. Right-click the document and click “copy dropbox link”

  3. past the link anywhere (i.e notes, word etc.) You should have something like this: Dropbox - File Deleted

  4. change: to

  5. Change the “0” at the end to “1”.

  6. Your link should look like:

  7. try a word file here

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Hi Jerry, great idea, using the same process I’ve now simplified taking Dropbox out of the equation.

  1. Using FTP upload your .doc’s to folder e.g ‘’.
  2. Create link to the document e.g
  3. Copy link.
  4. Create link interaction ‘Navigate to URL’ - leave ‘new tab’ OFF

Job done!