Duplicate pages not working

Duplicate pages not working again in the last update 3.3… how to fix?

What happens when you duplicate a page?

I am seeing the similar issue with blocs. When I am trying to duplicate the bloc to another page, it instead duplicates it to the same page (while still jumping to the new page I selected from the duplicate drop down menu). If I repeat, it works fine.

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When I try to duplicate a page, it does not work for old pages but for recent ones it’s fine


My main site has now 80 pages. Duplicate page is not working. I need to make a template of the one I want to duplicate.
Even if i close and re open block same result

When I create a new site with 3 pages it works

It’s strange…

Blocs 3.4.1 MBP 2011, mac OS Sierre 10.12.6.

Same result with the last preview.

Any chance the page you want to duplicate has a strange name with special characters perhaps or something similar?

no spécial characters, only letters and numbers and “-”.

But curiously I’ve just dicovered that my most récent pages added (under blocs 3xx) can be duplicated, but not the first pages of my site (created under blocs 2xx).
The site was created originaly in blocs 2 and I made the update to blocs 3 with the integrated “macro”.

OK there could be an issue there. I know Blocs 2 sites can be migrated but I have ended up starting from scratch every time, because they just seem to work better. Fortunately I only had a few and they are pretty quick to recreate if the content is already online and you have an idea how they should look. I appreciate that 80 pages is more of a challenge.

I would suggest you send the project into Norm with all the information you can add. It might be something he can fix fairly easily if he has accurate information to work with.

Thanks Flashman !

I’ve found and fixed this issue, the fix is coming in todays beta build (Blocs 3.4.2 beta build 4)