Edit details for a hosted asset

When I click to edit details it does nothing. Should I not be able to get at the URL I originally used and edit that? I don’t see how. In my case I made an error in the URL of a few assets. Do I really have to delete the assets and bring them in again? If so, actually being able to edit the URL after it’s imported would certainly be welcomed in the future.

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“Edit Details” seems to be new to Blocs 6 because I am not seeing it in Blocs 5:

Whether Manage Mode is ON or OFF, when I right click on any Asset and choose “Edit Details,” be that a locally hosted Asset or Remotely hosted Asset, NOTHING HAPPENS. (Nothing changes in the right sidebar either.)

Because you have the honor of finding this bug, you should report it here:

Reported, thanks. Mentioned you and used the info you provided because it’s nice & clear. Hope that’s ok. Thank you.



It’s good to get into the habit of reporting, but you did it right because you posted in the forum first to make sure. I confirmed that bug exists, you reported it, and now it’s just a matter of waiting for the fix. I think it’s good to put a link to related forum threads in bug reports, so you did the right thing. And you never need to worry that I will mind either. Feel free to mention me anytime I’ve provided useful info or helped you confirm a bug. It’s not about me getting credit. I don’t care about that. I just want to help whenever possible in the bug fixing process.


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Yeah, I was not realizing that it might be a bug, just thought there was some reason I could not edit details… glad you said something.

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Just a quick note on this issue. If the right sidebar is hidden it works as intended, but it looks like if the right sidebar is already shown it doesn’t work.

Anyway, it’s all fixed up and ready for Blocs V6.0.3 which will be out later today.