Exit from custom class after editing

It happens to me various times a day that I edit a custom class and after clicking done my immediate thought is to hit the V key to preview the effects, but of course that doesn’t happen because the cursor is still in the Classes window so I end up typing v instead. Then after a moment of frustration and bewilderment I delete the v, click out of the window and then try again.

I’m not sure how this could be solved but it sure would be nice if that cursor key automatically exited the Classes window after editing a custom class or even just switched automatically to preview. If you edit with Solis open at the same time you can generally see custom class edits in real time, but it’s just one of those workflow gremlins in Blocs that would be nice to avoid.


Yeah younare not alone

Same here
+1 :wink:


Yup. Plus some keystroke so that the last custom class selected/used can be added to an object without having to go back to the side panel.

Not a big problem for me, but I admit that I did create a couple of ‘v’ custom classes by mistake because of this :smile:

Mee too, I created already a lot of v classes because of this :wink: